Season: 1 / Episode: 3
In this episode of Dropping Your Armour, we have with us Sonja Sinz, who is a coach, entrepreneur, a cat mom, and above all, a truly inspiring person who is full of joy and on a mission to make the world more human, creative and sustainable.
She works closely with several leaders in many different organizations and helps them connect with their inner world to transform the outer world. Today, we’ll be talking about creating inclusive and creative spaces at work that are engaging and fulfilling for people.
Should you wish to get in touch with Sonja, you can find her on LinkedIn or visit her website and blog.
Creating inclusive (and therefore creative) workspaces:
- Bourke, J., & Titus, A. (6 March 2020). The key to inclusive leadership. Harvard Business Review.
- Center for Creative Leadership. (28 November 2020). The importance of empathy in the workplace.
Performance management kills motivation:
- Murphy, K. R. (2020). Performance evaluation will not die, but it should. Human Resource Management Journal, 30, 13–31.
- Schleicher, D. J., Baumann, H. M., Sullivan, D. W., & Yim, J. (2019). Evaluating the effectiveness of performance management: A 30-year integrative conceptual review. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104 -(7), 851–887.

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