Development of an
Agile Team Assessment
Carrie Schlauch & Ingrid Molan
The Agile Team Assessment (ATA) measures team agility along with four factors: Trust, Clear Direction, Self-Organization, and Learning.
These factors are critical to creating a strong team foundation (Trust and Clear Direction) and facilitating adaptability in rapidly-changing environments (Self-organization and Leaning). The factors impact each other in a cyclical way, with Trust as the initial starting point from which the others build.
Assessing teams along these factors allows for targeted identification of a team’s strengths and areas of development, which is the basis for many team development processes.
ATA Version 1.0 collects responses to 63 positively-worded items using a 5-point Likert scale.
Data from 444 anonymous respondents from more than 50 separate teams to ATA Version 1.0 were analyzed to assess the theoretical model.
The analysis also had the further goal of ATA incremental improvement.
(Since 2019 the tool has been revised and currently a trial is in progress as a pre-/post- measurement of team-based intervention.)
Working for the greater good. Inspiring people, designing jobs and leading organizations
19th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology – Turin, 2019 May
Create a psychologically safe environment with high trust, cohesion and openness.
Create clarity on the team’s purpose, objectives, deliverables, and roles.
Empower the team to self-organize, establish effective team practices, self-monitor and adapt.
Exchange and respond to customer and peer feedback, learn from failure and strive for improvement.
– Internal consistency (α) of all factors > 0.70
– Mean inter-item correlations
Trust: 0.43
Clear Direction: 0.42
Self-Organization: 0.35
Learning: 0.37
– Principal components analyses (PCA): 4-factor
Variance accounted for: 47%
Trust (F1) and Clear Direction (F2) well-defined; >80% of associated items load 0.40+
Self-Organization (F3) and Learning (F4) are less well-defined; ≤50% of associated items load 0.40+
– Means of Trust and Clear Direction > Means of SelfOrganization and Learning (paired sample t-tests; p<0.01)
– Results of serial mediation (via PROCESS v3.3, 2019; Hayes, 2018) to test the theoretical model path (unstandardized coefficients shown):
There was modest support for the 4-factor model, with Trust and Clear Direction more clearly defined than SelfOrganization and Learning. An exploratory 3-factor PCA (Self-Organization and Learning combined in a single factor) was more parsimonious with slightly better fit.
Serial mediation analyses support the theoretical model’s directional relations (partial mediation). Mediation analysis using a 3-factor model (IV: Trust; Mediator: Clear Direction; Outcome: Self-Organization and Learning combined) also supported partial mediation (details available).
Removal of poorly performing items from ATA Version 1.0 (high means, low variance, weak theoretical basis) led to improved fit in both 4-factor and 3-factor PCAs. Revision of (primarily) Self-Organization and Learning items and creation of several new items resulted in ATA Version 2.0 (61 items).
Limitations in this work include lack of longitudinal data to test directional relations, lack of external measures for criterion validation and/or convergent/discriminant validation, and a lack of demographic information to investigate the possible influence on response patterns.
Theoretical Models
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Statistical Analyses
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